Wednesday, December 16, 2009


The number of people currently receiving welfare has dropped dramatically from past years. One of the reason for the successful drop in number is due to the restructuring of the welfare program itself. In 1996 the program was renamed TANF and placed restrictions on the program, the welfare system was no longer a just a check every month. Several restrictions were placed on welfare that made it successful, the recipient of welfare had to find work within two years and they were also limited to a total of five years of help in their life. This helped force the people on welfare to start looking for jobs and that following year the number amount of money given out dropped by 60%. They one side of this believes that this program is affective and serving its purpose. While the other side says that this program is still leaving some people out in the cold, arguing that poverty is still on the rise.

In my opinion a program like this is a very good thing its there for people when they need it, but it also encourages them to take care of themselves and to try and become self sufficient again. We're are not just handing out checks anymore we're making people do something to improve their lives. Some people argue that the jobs that these people can get are low paying and don't help them. Well I think that these people have to start somewhere those jobs are ways to gain work experience and career advancement. And what does just handing them a check every month really do to make a person able to provide for themselves??? IT DOESN'T! Everyone needs to work for everything they have and work their way up and TANF is away to help the people who slip, but can get back up. President Obama supports the idea of helping people when they slip but eventually having them stand on there own.

Two Other Issue Blogs:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Vaccine Recall

800,000 H1N1 vaccines are being recalled by the french company Sanofi Pasteur. The company is one of five major manufactures that supplies H1N1 vaccine to the United States. The reason for the recall is because the potency is about 12% less then what it should be. This vaccine in particular was meant for a specific age group in this case kids ages 6 months thru 35 months old. The vaccine wasn't called back because it wasn't safe and they say that if a child has had the shot not to worry. It was also stated that it does need to be more potent for it to work that this shot should still give the kids an immunity.
I really don't see this as a very big deal, the vaccine even though its less potent it will still get the job done. I can also see how a vaccine like this could have flaws in it. The pressure to get a H1N1 vaccine available to the public is immense, there is a huge scare that if you don't get a vaccine you're at risk of dying. When a company is placed on a time table for something like this they are pressured to produce a drug as fast as possible. So really the company did their job a because the vaccine serves the same purpose and works the same. The main thing that's most important is that this vaccine isn't a danger to the kids who have received the vaccine already. I also applaud the company for coming out and saying that the vaccine was under strength, this wasn't a demanded recall the CDC didn't say there was a problem with it. The company just wanted to put out the best product that they meant to make the first time they just didn't say that it was good enough.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Strides in Healthcare

On Wednesday the after much debate there was a deal met by the liberal and moderate democrates on the public option portion of the healthcare bill. The White House was extremely pleased in the progress of the healthcare bill and the compromise met on the public option portion. Several senators from all over the United States participated in the debate and help come to an agreement on public option. The goal of the public option is to create competition for the current health maintenance organizations that run our healthcare system.

I like to hear that we are making progress on the healthcare bill and that its not being bogged down in senate committees. As the world superpower I feel that we should have a strong healthcare system that takes care of it's citizens. Don't get me wrong I love the capitalist drive that we have in this country, the ability to make profit. But I also feel strongly that we should not be trying to make huge profit off our nations sick and dying. We should not have to worry about paying bills if you get sick, if you're sick you get the help you deserve. The way we have it now private insurance companies charge what they want, limit the patients options, and deny them proper medical coverage. We need to figure out what is going to happen to change our system and this compromise is on the road of this countries healthcare reform.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Who's to Blame and What Now?

In a report released by the Democratic Staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee says that in 2001 that we should have caught Osama Bin Laden. The report says that Bin Laden was cornered in Tora Bora mountain region in Afghanistan. Its even reported that Bin Laden wrote his will during this time. The report goes on to state that the Bush administration messed up the whole situation and with held the troops needed to cut off osama's escape. The report also suggests that catching Bin Laden in 2001 would have prevented the problems we are having now in Afghanistan and Iraq.
I find this report quite interesting in the fact that all they are doing is pointing fingers. What good does it do to say that someone screwed up there's nothing that can be done to change what happened. I do believe that more troops were necessary in that situation and could have possibly lead to the capture of Bin Laden. But in reality its just speculation we can't know what would have happened. I personally would like to think that we would have caught him right there and saved yourselves alot of problems. We now need to focus on what we're going to do in the here and now to catch Bin Laden, I have no doubt that we can catch him and that we will. In the years since the attacks of 9/11 Osama has been hiding he hasn't been able t show his face anywhere and he is living in constant fear of capture. We need to say strong and keep the hunt going a report like this means nothing it's all just a bunch of could've would have should've. Let's live in the hear and now!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Quality Care for Everyone???

With trillions of dollars flying out the doors of congress does the common citizens well being get paid for in that? The United States of America spends over 2 trillion dollars a year on healthcare but we still have over 47 million people with out any form of healthcare. The government has programs like Medicare and Medicaid to help the elderly and low income citizens. But even with these programs that 47 million people aren't getting healthcare. Something needs to be done to help secure every American medical care when they need it. Now there are several ways in which policy makers have purposed to make reform. Right now even those who receive care through medicare or medicaid are not receiving the best medical attention possible. Currently medicare pays doctor based on the number of patients they help and one side of the debate support this saying that they are helping more people. Those same people want the doctors and hospitals to provide the lowest cost care to patients to save money. But even though the doctor is helping a larger quantity are those patients receiving the best help. The new proposal pushes for doctors to get paid for the quality of healthcare they provide.

I strongly support the idea of doctors being paid by quality of work not quantity. Isn't that an American motto that our companies and manufactures produce good quality products that last forever. Why can't it be the same for American healthcare? We need to pass laws that require the system to give patients the healthcare they need. We as Americans should not have to receive cheap inefficient medical attention that doesn't help us when we're sick. The United States spends more on healthcare then any other nation in the world, so how is that we can't get proper coverage for everyone. The current system is mad the healthcare in this country run by corporations that are trying to make a profit These companies are looking to give the cheapest care to make a profit this doesn't transfer into the quality of the medical attention received. The opposition says that they are saving money by doing what they are doing, i think that that is false and that these corporations exploit the system to get money from the government that drive up costs of healthcare in general. They are several people who see this issue the same way I do and feel its time for Obama's favorite word, "CHANGE". One of these people who believe in this view is the famous film maker Michael Moore. Moore is a film maker who has done several documentaries on the subject of healthcare and sees it for what it is. You can visit his site and see for yourself.

You can visit these blogs for more info on other topics:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Prostitution in Iraq (response blog)

The religious strife in Iraq and the economic turmoil in the country has now cause many of the women in Iraq to resort to prostitution. Thousands of women are now forced into prostitution because of the limited availability of jobs for these women. Most are widows or orphans of the war in Iraq and have no one to get support from. The women are exploited severely by their pimps and they have to find ways to make money making this the only choice.
Its so that women in Iraq are being forced to such horrible ways to make money. I feel really bad for theses women's situation and wish there was a easier way for them to find help. This really to me speaks out about the problems that are going on in Iraq right now. I wonder if U.S. involvement help cause some of these problems and if we can help make things better. I think we should have someway to help set in place a support system for these women. Also how is it that Iraqi men don't get in trouble for being involved in prostitution and the women go to jail. 

Kate Gearman's blog has a similar view to my blog and i support many of the same views that she has. To see more on her opinion on this subject go to

7th Arrested in Gang Rape (response blog)

Seven people have been arrested in a gang rape case in the city of Richmond in northern California. The rape of a young teenage girl occurred after a school homecoming dance it is possible that up to 10 people partook in the rape. The incident last for over two and half hours and over 10 bystanders. None of the reported 10 bystanders did anything to stop the rape or call for 911. The victim was in critical condition when brought to the hospital but was released Wednesday for the hospital. Parents of victim are asking for help to find attackers and for the community to make sure nothing like this happens again.
I think that this is an extremely sad story and disgusts me. The whole thing is an absolute horror and is what I would consider a cowardly and disturbing act. How can ten guys just take a helpless girl and rape her for tow and half hours? How can those guys think that its ok to do, that nothing is going to happen to them? They're a bunch of cowards and perverts and need to receive the most severe punishment possible for their crime. Another thing I don't understand is how people could see what was happening and not call for help or stop the whole thing. I know if I was in that situation that I would do everything I could stop it regardless of how many guys were there. Someone should have done something, those people who walked by could have done something but more importantly should have something.

Another blog that feels the same way that I do about the incident. Olivia Rice's blog I support and feel we have a similar view. You can relate to her blog @

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Suspect's Trail Gets Hot

Documents were captured in Sherwangei, Pakistan today as the Pakistan Army captured the the city under Taliban control. One of the documents recovered by Pakistani military officials was that of 9/11 terrorist suspect Said Bahaji. Bahaji is a German citizen of Moroccan descent and is suspected of being a member of a terrorist cell in Germany. The cell he was a member of is believed to have supplied money to the hijackers that were involved in the 9/11 attacks. Bahaji is wanted by several governments for terrorism charges including Germany, Spain and is a person of interest for the United States. Said has been on the run since Sept 3, 2001 after being tipped off about the upcoming attacks on 9/11, he is now said to be a senior propagandist for AL Qaeda.
This article is quite interesting to me, I find it very intriguing that eight years after the terrorists attacks on 9/11 that there are still terrorists directly linked to the attacks at large. Its great to hear that there are new leads in the case of Said Bahaji and I hope that he is found soon. I feel strongly that the 9/11 terror suspects should be a top priority to help bring justice for the attacks as soon as possible. Another thing that interests me about this article is the location of documents found. Having these documents found in an ally nation brings into question at least to me what is going on in Pakistan? How is it that Taliban have such a strong hold in areas of Pakistan and how can a country be so divided? It is scary to think about how many of the United State's enemies could be hiding in an allied country. Whats even more scary to think about is what power does the Taliban actually have in the country and knowing that Pakistan does have nuclear weapons, what could the Taliban do if they got a hold of Pakistani weapons. To close I hope for the capture of Said Bahaji and for the the ousting of the Taliban from Pakistan.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Paying For Loyalty

This Wednesday president Obama signed a defense bill for $680 billion which will pay for military operations through 2010. Under this bill there is a program whose job it is to pay Taliban fighters to switch sides is receiving $1.3 billion to help start the process. The goal of the entire program is to pull the Afghani fighters away from their leaders, since a lot of the fighters are fight because they have no option for another job. Its believed that many of the soldiers fighting for the Taliban do so for a source of income and not because of political ideas or loyalty. 
This idea I find extremely interesting and intriguing. I believe that a program like this could have a possibility for success. I do think that many of the people currently fighting for the Taliban regime in Afghanistan do so out necessity instead of choice. For a lot of these people it is the only job available and they don't have another option do get money. If we can offer them a source of income and protection I can see the appeal for the fighters to change sides and leave the Taliban. But I do also feel strongly that we need to help offer other economic means for the Afghan people. If jobs and more steady means of income become an option the people of Afghanistan will happily accept. If it takes money to change peoples minds why not try it, it could end up helping the situation in an increasingly hostile Afghanistan. 

Monday, October 26, 2009

Death Toll Rising

As more information about the massive car bombing in Baghdad this Sunday the death toll continues to rise. At 10:30 on Sunday morning two twin car bombs were set off in succession to one another. The targets of the attack were the governorate building, the other the justice ministry both were severely damaged. Current numbers have 160 killed and at least 540 people wounded in the attacks.
This attack in Iraq is horrible news for the Iraqi people as they try and gain a greater sense of stability in the country. The attacks occurred in Baghdad in the supposed safe zone of the capital. The attacks goals are thought to be motivated by the chance to derail the upcoming election in the country. I feel that this was a speed bump in the road to stability in Iraq I think this was a minor step back. But I also feel that now some Iraqis have tasted the fruits of freedom and are not willing to go back to the form of government the terrorists are trying to achieve. The people of Iraq are going to stay strong and work towards gaining more freedom and choice. Although it is terribly sad to have to pay such a large price for these basic human rights hopefully it will only get better.

Helicopter Crash Kill 14

Fourteen American servicemen and women where killed Monday October 26, 2009. The servicemen died in two separate crashes over the day. The first crash occurred on a helicopter heading from Kabul the Afghan capital to the western part of the nation. The helicopter went down with 7 servicemen and 3 civilians killed, its believed that the helicopter didn't go down because of enemy fire. The second crash occurred when two helicopters collided in mid air over southern Afghanistan four servicemen were killed.
More sad news came out of Afghanistan today as the United State loses 14 more servicemen. It is extremely sad considering that both crashes were apparent accidents. Neither helicopter came down due to any enemy fire, I really hate to see incidents like this where we lose soldiers in accidents like this, just knowing that something could have been done to save them. Both crashes also had civilian casualties which makes the whole thing alittle bit harder to handle. I hope to hear more about these cases when the official report becomes available both are under investigation. My heart goes out the families of the people lost in this terrible accident and I would like to thank the servicemen serving in Afghanistan right now. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Living In the Past

In a recent trip to the former Soviet Union U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that the United States and Russia need to get over the Cold War to help current day relations. Clinton goes on to say that both governments have members who can't get over what happened during the cold war. Both the US and Russia can't trust each other now because for the past four decades the two countries have been fighting each other. Neither can agree on issues like missile defense and arms control.
I feel that the United States and Russia do need to move past what happened in the Cold War. Even though the Soviet Union crashed and Russia is no longer Communist, Russia can still be considered a major power and decision maker in the world. The United States can tackle such big global issues like missile defense and arms control alone, the United States need global support to see issues like this go through. The key to success between the United States and Russia is to find common ground on these difficult issues. These two world powers are major world decision makers and we need to find compromise. Common ground between us is what will help not only our two countries relationship but also global relationships.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Cost of War

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are currently cost the the United States billions each year. Now as these wars become more and more unpopular almost reminiscent of the Vietnam war people want to see a change in spending. Because of the federal budget process both the president and congress prepare the federal budget. The money the president wants for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have to be approved by congress, no funding is giving with out congressional approval. This is where the group against the war feel they can stop the excessive spending on the war. Thay feel that the war is unpopular and that the billions of dollars that are being spent on war can be put to better use to help America. The other side of the argument feel that the president is the commander in chief of all military issue and the president has the sole power to decide what needs to be done to ensure victory. This side also fears the a cut in spending on the war effort will put United States troops in even more danger with out proper funding the troops don't get the things they need to win. The president can also veto any legislature passed by congress to cut spending and both sides are in a relative deadlock.

In my person opinion there is no way that we can cut the amount of money paying for the war. People say just cut back stop paying for the war and we'll be done with it, we'll leave. But what people don't realize that when we stop paying for the war our troops are the one that get hardest. With out a proper flow on money into the effort troops are forced to go with out essential material. Materials that keep US troops alive, cuttting funding put troops at risk and the United States have an obligation to protect its troops they fight for our freedom. The people need to remember why we're fighting this war and how it keeps us safe. A person that has a similar opion and knows what its going to take to win is General Stanley A. McChrystal the commander of US forces in Afghanistan.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Who Cares?

In recent talks with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Secretary Gates stated that it would be difficult for the military to close Guantanamo Bay on the time table given by President Obama. After taking office in January Obama signed an executive order calling for the closing of Guantanamo Bay in January 2010. Even Senator McCain said it would be very difficult for the closing of Guantanamo on time, but McCain said there is progress being just that it will take Little longer then planned. Most Republicans are against closing the prison, many don't want to have terrorists on American soil and have fought to keep it open.
In my opinion Guantanamo Bay should not be closing at all. I don't understand why its such an issue closing it to me it is a great place to house prisoners. It gives America a place to keep terrorists and keeps them off American soil. No one wants a terrorist anywhere near them even if they are going to be placed in maximum security prison. I also see how Guantanamo Bay prison affects the worlds image of the United States government. Other people see Guantanamo Bay as a place away from the rest of the world where we mistreat the prisoners and torture prisoners for information. When I look at the options I truly that Guantanamo Bay is the best choice when it comes to holding terrorists. I don't understand what the government plans to do with the 220 detainees at Guantanamo Bay where will they go? By putting them into a U.S. prison like the government says I feel that this is a recipe for disaster. What would happen to the detainees where placed with American inmates I'm positive that they wouldn't be very popular. I only see this as way to increase violence in U.S. prison and that is not what we need, caught terrorists should not put such a strain on American resources.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Rift Widens

As Obama tries to push through his "A Good Health care Bill" the Democrats and Republican parties grow farther apart on the issue. The president is doing everything he can to pass an overhaul of the health care system in American. The president recently came to Minneapolis to try and increase the support for the bill. Obama is trying to counter act the republican efforts to stop the bill from being passed. Even with all the opposition for the health care overhaul, the president is expect to be able to pass the bill without republican support because of vote majority.

I really feel that a universal health care system would help America and is needed but right now not at the financial cost or the political cost. The two parties need to come to more common views on the issue before the president pushes everything through without any republican support. As of right now only one republican has voted with the the democrats, this is not the way to go. We need to be united on such a huge world changing issue, I really worry about what would happen if we can't agree on this. If they don't start to agree on this issue everything only to get more drawn out and more divided between party's. I've see alot of it in recent weeks, there has been things that have never happened before. We've seen congressmen burst out loud at house meeting over this issue. Tension have never been higher and the worry is real. Even though this issue is causing so much debate and problem i think this is something that needs to be done. The United States is the only developed country that doesnt have a universal healthcare system and all of its citizen arent't covered by healthcare. I hope that this happens and I hope that the two party's can come to more common ground on the issue of healthcare.