Monday, January 11, 2010

Is it Alright?

California is now becoming the new stage for gay rights in America. A landmark court case is set to begin in which a lesbian couple look to get married. They state that by not being allowed to get married that they are not getting equal protection under the law. This case is being called this generation Brown vs. The Board of Education just showing how big this case could be. Currently California has a gay marriage ban and is now under heavy fire, the couple states that there love is more then that of some married couples and that there family is being deprived that opportunity. The couple also has four children.

This case is quite interesting and question a lot of important topics that are now being debated. I'm just going to say it I don't support gay marriage in any way shape or form. Marriage is a sacred bond that is meant to be between a man and a women. I feel that the Bible doesn't like the idea of gay relations and that it shouldn't be allowed. They're great people I'm sure but I just don't feel that its right and if they love each other so much why do they need to get married? they should just be happy with what they have. For me this case also brings about another interesting question with this couple having four kids. I don't particularly case for the idea of gay people raising children because I feel that those kids are forced into a way of life that isn't normal or accepted. I feel that those kids are put at a severe disadvantage by not having a father. I feel that this case should rule for the state and not allow gay marriage.

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