Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Cost of War

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are currently cost the the United States billions each year. Now as these wars become more and more unpopular almost reminiscent of the Vietnam war people want to see a change in spending. Because of the federal budget process both the president and congress prepare the federal budget. The money the president wants for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have to be approved by congress, no funding is giving with out congressional approval. This is where the group against the war feel they can stop the excessive spending on the war. Thay feel that the war is unpopular and that the billions of dollars that are being spent on war can be put to better use to help America. The other side of the argument feel that the president is the commander in chief of all military issue and the president has the sole power to decide what needs to be done to ensure victory. This side also fears the a cut in spending on the war effort will put United States troops in even more danger with out proper funding the troops don't get the things they need to win. The president can also veto any legislature passed by congress to cut spending and both sides are in a relative deadlock.

In my person opinion there is no way that we can cut the amount of money paying for the war. People say just cut back stop paying for the war and we'll be done with it, we'll leave. But what people don't realize that when we stop paying for the war our troops are the one that get hardest. With out a proper flow on money into the effort troops are forced to go with out essential material. Materials that keep US troops alive, cuttting funding put troops at risk and the United States have an obligation to protect its troops they fight for our freedom. The people need to remember why we're fighting this war and how it keeps us safe. A person that has a similar opion and knows what its going to take to win is General Stanley A. McChrystal the commander of US forces in Afghanistan.

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