Thursday, November 12, 2009

Quality Care for Everyone???

With trillions of dollars flying out the doors of congress does the common citizens well being get paid for in that? The United States of America spends over 2 trillion dollars a year on healthcare but we still have over 47 million people with out any form of healthcare. The government has programs like Medicare and Medicaid to help the elderly and low income citizens. But even with these programs that 47 million people aren't getting healthcare. Something needs to be done to help secure every American medical care when they need it. Now there are several ways in which policy makers have purposed to make reform. Right now even those who receive care through medicare or medicaid are not receiving the best medical attention possible. Currently medicare pays doctor based on the number of patients they help and one side of the debate support this saying that they are helping more people. Those same people want the doctors and hospitals to provide the lowest cost care to patients to save money. But even though the doctor is helping a larger quantity are those patients receiving the best help. The new proposal pushes for doctors to get paid for the quality of healthcare they provide.

I strongly support the idea of doctors being paid by quality of work not quantity. Isn't that an American motto that our companies and manufactures produce good quality products that last forever. Why can't it be the same for American healthcare? We need to pass laws that require the system to give patients the healthcare they need. We as Americans should not have to receive cheap inefficient medical attention that doesn't help us when we're sick. The United States spends more on healthcare then any other nation in the world, so how is that we can't get proper coverage for everyone. The current system is mad the healthcare in this country run by corporations that are trying to make a profit These companies are looking to give the cheapest care to make a profit this doesn't transfer into the quality of the medical attention received. The opposition says that they are saving money by doing what they are doing, i think that that is false and that these corporations exploit the system to get money from the government that drive up costs of healthcare in general. They are several people who see this issue the same way I do and feel its time for Obama's favorite word, "CHANGE". One of these people who believe in this view is the famous film maker Michael Moore. Moore is a film maker who has done several documentaries on the subject of healthcare and sees it for what it is. You can visit his site and see for yourself.

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