Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haiti Rocked by Earthquake

On Tuesday the small Caribbean country of Haiti was severely affected by a massive 7.0 earthquake. The Earthquake epicenter was only 10 miles away from the countries capital of Port-au-Prince destroying much of the city. The Redcross estimates that one million of the countries three million people are believed to be affected in the quake. It is unknown know how many people have been killed by the quake but it is expected to be high since Haiti is a poor country and no buildings are built to earthquake standards.

This is some very sad news and I'm very sorry for the people of Haiti. It's even worse that a major disaster like this happens to an area the is already facing severe hardships. Haiti is the poorest country in North America and most of its residence struggle to support themselves. It's hard to imagine how this has only made condition far worse then anything that they have faced before. Also there is no real way to determine how many people are still trapped by the quake and thousands of people could still be trapped in the rubble, only time will how mush this quake has affected the country. one thing that will help the country is that there are already U.n. peacekeepers stationed in the country and they should be able to assist.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another Down

Teodoro "El Teo" Garcia Simental was arrested today in the city of La Paz, Mexico. Garcia Simental is one of Mexico's most wanted drug traffickers and was wanted by both the United States and Mexico. Garcia Simental was a top lieutenant of the Tijuana cartel until he defected to the rival Sinaloa cartel after a power struggle. His capture is thanks to months of intelligence gathered by Mexican authorities and the DEA. Garcia Simental was in charge of doing some very dirty work for the cartels, he was charge of disposing bodies. He is accused of getting rid of 300 bodies by dipping them in acid. There was also a 2.4 million dollar reward for his capture.

I thought this was some pretty good news for the day, its always nice when notorious drug trafficker like this can be put away for good. Its quite remarkable how big of a business drug trafficking is in Mexico, these cartels basically own a lot of these towns in Mexico controlling with fear. This also just a good sign to the possible improvement of the lawlessness of Mexico. I think it is also interesting how this man in particular was in charge of disposing bodies of people the cartels murdered. That had to be quite the job for Garcia Simenta gathering up the bodies and putting them in acid. Hopefully the hunt continues for more of the top traffickers in Mexico.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Is it Alright?

California is now becoming the new stage for gay rights in America. A landmark court case is set to begin in which a lesbian couple look to get married. They state that by not being allowed to get married that they are not getting equal protection under the law. This case is being called this generation Brown vs. The Board of Education just showing how big this case could be. Currently California has a gay marriage ban and is now under heavy fire, the couple states that there love is more then that of some married couples and that there family is being deprived that opportunity. The couple also has four children.

This case is quite interesting and question a lot of important topics that are now being debated. I'm just going to say it I don't support gay marriage in any way shape or form. Marriage is a sacred bond that is meant to be between a man and a women. I feel that the Bible doesn't like the idea of gay relations and that it shouldn't be allowed. They're great people I'm sure but I just don't feel that its right and if they love each other so much why do they need to get married? they should just be happy with what they have. For me this case also brings about another interesting question with this couple having four kids. I don't particularly case for the idea of gay people raising children because I feel that those kids are forced into a way of life that isn't normal or accepted. I feel that those kids are put at a severe disadvantage by not having a father. I feel that this case should rule for the state and not allow gay marriage.

Body Scanners

Recently a privacy rights groups are worried about the body scan technology that's being applicated in U.S. airports. There argument now is that the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) isn't telling the public everything about these machines and their capabilities. Going and saying that even though the TSA said they couldn't that the body scanners can store and send the images that they produce. With the possibility of people hacking into the system and stealing the images. Privacy rights group say that this infringes on peoples privacy by taking images of a private matter. The groups goal is for the TSA to suspend the deployment of more body scanners until more security and privacy questions are answered.

I think that this is one of the most childish and stupid arguments ever. The United States government is not going to go out and save pictures of you from a body scan. The images produced only show a rough outline of the body and blot out the face you can't tell who it is. There is no reason for the government to keep the images unless you're caught with weapons. As for hackers hacking into the system what is there motive for doing it? There's no gain for them they don't make any money or anything what could they do with the images? I think the body scanners are great they're a fast easy way to go thru security and they're an effect tool. Everything I've seen on body scanners and the images they produce don't bother me at all and I'd gladly go thru one. Also I've read that in airports that use body scan technology 94% of people chose to go through them instead of going through a pat down, that sounds like a majority to me. For me I think everyone would sacrifice alittle to be safe on airplanes.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Follow Up

The wife of the Jordanian doctor Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi who was responsible for the suicide bombing in Southern Afghanistan, said that she is "shocked" by what her husband did but that she is "proud" of what he did. She went on to say that she is proud that he is now a martyr and " that god may accept his martyrdom". The wife said that Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi said when he talked to her that he was normal and that he would be coming home soon. His wife believed that that he was in Pakistan to further his education and had now found work. When several other family members were interviewed they said that he was a normal guy and that something like this is very unexpected, they even went on to say that Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi had hoped to eventually get to the United States.

I find it interesting how surprising it is to the suicide bombers family that he was a intelligence operative and that he would do something like that. Not only is it interesting about how surprised the family is about his action but how willingly the accept and praise what he did they are "proud" of him. That really just pisses me off the man was coward and snuck into a U.S. military base were he was seen as a friend and blew himself up. What a coward! not only that but two of the victims in the attack were women. If U.S. soldiers shot a women we would be persecuted and called the worst of the worst and then Al-Oaeda is suppose to be proud of an action like that? That's so cool for them well that's all that Al-Qaeda is just a bunch of cowards hiding in the shadows looking the worst evils that they can commit. Theirs way to many narrow minded rag heads in the Middle East that don't except the modern world around them, even their educated people like a doctor are resorting to such cowardly actions. All this will be avenged and the CIA is now gunning for every terrorist they can find I'd be afraid if I were Al-Qaeda.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Today the identity of the suicide bomber that attack an American CIA base in southern Afghanistan. He was identified as Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi a Jordanian doctor and a long time informant for the United States. Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi is now considered to be a double agent, this is how he was able to gain access to the CIA base without being searched. The attack killed a total of eight CIA operatives, two were from the private military company Xe and one was a Jordanian Army Capt. Sharif Ali bin Zeid a member of the Jordanian Royal Family.
Its sad to see that the people we thought were our allies in the region are responsible for this horrible attack. Also just the huge loss that we received from this attack, its hard to train operatives that often take years to get ingrained into the region. I feel like there will be action taken to avenge the attack, I mean the CIA doesn't just let something like this go without retribution. I find it scare how the terrorist group are able to infiltrate and integrate themselves into our side just waiting for an opportunity to get us. When I step back and look at it some more hoe is that an educated man, a doctor can be part of terrorist plot. I really thought that someone in this man's position would not be such a fundamentalist. I do think that we'll be prepared for another event like this and something like this won't happen again.