Friday, January 8, 2010

Follow Up

The wife of the Jordanian doctor Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi who was responsible for the suicide bombing in Southern Afghanistan, said that she is "shocked" by what her husband did but that she is "proud" of what he did. She went on to say that she is proud that he is now a martyr and " that god may accept his martyrdom". The wife said that Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi said when he talked to her that he was normal and that he would be coming home soon. His wife believed that that he was in Pakistan to further his education and had now found work. When several other family members were interviewed they said that he was a normal guy and that something like this is very unexpected, they even went on to say that Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi had hoped to eventually get to the United States.

I find it interesting how surprising it is to the suicide bombers family that he was a intelligence operative and that he would do something like that. Not only is it interesting about how surprised the family is about his action but how willingly the accept and praise what he did they are "proud" of him. That really just pisses me off the man was coward and snuck into a U.S. military base were he was seen as a friend and blew himself up. What a coward! not only that but two of the victims in the attack were women. If U.S. soldiers shot a women we would be persecuted and called the worst of the worst and then Al-Oaeda is suppose to be proud of an action like that? That's so cool for them well that's all that Al-Qaeda is just a bunch of cowards hiding in the shadows looking the worst evils that they can commit. Theirs way to many narrow minded rag heads in the Middle East that don't except the modern world around them, even their educated people like a doctor are resorting to such cowardly actions. All this will be avenged and the CIA is now gunning for every terrorist they can find I'd be afraid if I were Al-Qaeda.

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