Monday, January 11, 2010

Body Scanners

Recently a privacy rights groups are worried about the body scan technology that's being applicated in U.S. airports. There argument now is that the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) isn't telling the public everything about these machines and their capabilities. Going and saying that even though the TSA said they couldn't that the body scanners can store and send the images that they produce. With the possibility of people hacking into the system and stealing the images. Privacy rights group say that this infringes on peoples privacy by taking images of a private matter. The groups goal is for the TSA to suspend the deployment of more body scanners until more security and privacy questions are answered.

I think that this is one of the most childish and stupid arguments ever. The United States government is not going to go out and save pictures of you from a body scan. The images produced only show a rough outline of the body and blot out the face you can't tell who it is. There is no reason for the government to keep the images unless you're caught with weapons. As for hackers hacking into the system what is there motive for doing it? There's no gain for them they don't make any money or anything what could they do with the images? I think the body scanners are great they're a fast easy way to go thru security and they're an effect tool. Everything I've seen on body scanners and the images they produce don't bother me at all and I'd gladly go thru one. Also I've read that in airports that use body scan technology 94% of people chose to go through them instead of going through a pat down, that sounds like a majority to me. For me I think everyone would sacrifice alittle to be safe on airplanes.

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