Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Today the identity of the suicide bomber that attack an American CIA base in southern Afghanistan. He was identified as Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi a Jordanian doctor and a long time informant for the United States. Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi is now considered to be a double agent, this is how he was able to gain access to the CIA base without being searched. The attack killed a total of eight CIA operatives, two were from the private military company Xe and one was a Jordanian Army Capt. Sharif Ali bin Zeid a member of the Jordanian Royal Family.
Its sad to see that the people we thought were our allies in the region are responsible for this horrible attack. Also just the huge loss that we received from this attack, its hard to train operatives that often take years to get ingrained into the region. I feel like there will be action taken to avenge the attack, I mean the CIA doesn't just let something like this go without retribution. I find it scare how the terrorist group are able to infiltrate and integrate themselves into our side just waiting for an opportunity to get us. When I step back and look at it some more hoe is that an educated man, a doctor can be part of terrorist plot. I really thought that someone in this man's position would not be such a fundamentalist. I do think that we'll be prepared for another event like this and something like this won't happen again.

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